[PC 硬盘版]现代战役:多瑙河战线85-Modern Campaigns:Danube Front '85
来自War Game Design的架空背景硬核兵棋游戏
无论其意图如何,其结果是双方的蔑视、不信任和更加偏执。随着以美国为首的西方国家开始向部队现代化项目投入资金,苏联和华沙条约组织开始感受到 "力量的相关性"--权力平衡的变化所带来的不安。
After the perceived failure of détente in the 1970's, the 1980's saw an escalation in the intensity of the cold war.
The war in Afghanistan, arming of Nicaragua, invasion of Grenada, US deployment of cruise-missiles to Europe, Soviet shoot-down of the Korean airliner, killing of a US Observer in East Germany and many other belligerent activities by the superpowers were all very real increases in tension.
Regardless of intentions, the effect was disdain, distrust & more paranoia on both sides.As the west, led by the USA, began to pour money into force modernization programs, the USSR & Warsaw Pact began to feel the unease of a shift in the 'correlation of forces' - the balance of power.
Training for war took on a more serious tone; exercises became even more realistic and thus more intimidating to the other side.A collision of the superpowers became almost inevitable.
Thus the stage was set for a clash of titans, a struggle that would be fought on the fields, forests, hills & in the towns of Germany in 1985....
会员专用连接: [PC 硬盘版]现代战役:多瑙河战线85-Modern Campaigns:Danube Front '85
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- Danube Front 85_V400/Danube 85.webp 71.7KB
- Danube Front 85_V400/Danube 85_gameplay.webp 785.8KB
- Danube Front 85_V400/Danube Front 85.zip 351.9MB
- Danube Front 85_V400/Danube Front 85.zip.sha256 64Bytes
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