[PC 硬盘版]装甲战役:斯大林格勒42-Panzer Campaigns:Stalingrad '42
来自War Game Design的硬核兵棋游戏
在《42年的斯大林格勒》中,你可以重新进行这场巨大的斗争,除了探索历史情况外,还可以探索一些合理的 "如果 "情况:
Toward the end of 1942, the German High Command saw that the tide on the East Front had reached its peak.
After the setback in front of Moscow in 1941, the mighty German Army surged forward again in the summer of '42.
After defeating an ill-fated Soviet summer offensive at Kharkov in May, they drove onward to the outskirts of Stalingrad by the late summer of that year.
This is where the Stalingrad '42 game picks up the fight, including a number of scenarios covering the drive to the Volga.
After several months of bloody house to house fighting in the fall, the Soviet positions were reduced to pockets of rubble, barely 300 meters from the Volga.
As the season turned to winter, Hitler remained fixated on taking the city, ultimately leading to disaster for his troops. He had badly underestimated the Soviet army's ability to mount an offensive on his flanks.
The Russians cut through weak, poorly equipped, Rumanian troops and encircled the entire Sixth Army.
In Stalingrad '42 you can re-fight this titanic struggle, exploring both the historical situation in addition to a number of plausible "What If" situations;
a German retreat, a corseted flank defense, or a powerful panzer rescue force made available had Rommel been successful at El Alamein.
In this new kind of warfare, terms such as IED and UAV have taken on a new significance. The US military has learned to fight these wars using new weapons, new techniques, and new tactics.
会员专用连接: [PC 硬盘版]装甲战役:斯大林格勒42-Panzer Campaigns:Stalingrad '42
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- PzC Stalingrad 42_V400/PzC Stalingrad 42.webp 152.3KB
- PzC Stalingrad 42_V400/PzC Stalingrad 42.zip 405.4MB
- PzC Stalingrad 42_V400/PzC Stalingrad 42.zip.sha256 88Bytes
- PzC Stalingrad 42_V400/PzC Stalingrad 42_gameplay.webp 705.5KB
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